
I have to make this short and sweet as I need to get my butt to the gym since this bike riding thing is legitimately happening on Saturday and I even have the bike shirt in my purse at the moment which seems odd (read: scary).


Last night I was asked to speak about my “feelings on being involved” in the Artificial Pancreas Project at the Official launch of the APP clinical trials at Mt. Sinai hospital.  It was an amazing experience, listening to the presentation and success of the UVA APP trials.  I said this elsewhere on social media last night, but it bears repeating, I believe my experience last night was a pivotal life moment, where all I felt was inspired and determined.

And that could be the end of this post, but there was something much bigger going on for me.  The BEST part was that my Mom, one of my brothers and my sister were all there and shared the experience with me. Yeah, THAT was the best part.