
ASC 2013

Alecia’s Stem Cells- JDRF- 2013




Well actually the Alecia’s Stem Cells 2013 Shirt graphic is. Remember our award winning ASC 2013 JDRF NYC Shirts?

“New Technologies, New Treatments, New York”… ?



JDRF Australia contacted me for their New York, New York themed Gala (well, Galas!). They LOVED our shirts (hey we loved our shirts too), so presto, I sent over the graphics.  They have a printer who printed the shirts for free (yay) and I just got word they have printed shirts for all their volunteers to wear at the Australian Galas… So in a way, ASC will be at 4 Galas this May…Melbourne, Sydney, Perth & Brisbane.  Amazing!

This perfectly ties in with my last 2 Volunteering themed posts too!  More amazing!

Do good, feel good.

Me and my parents

Me and my parents

JDRF 2013 Walk

2 thoughts on “Australia?

  1. Congratulations on making it around the world! The shirt is my favorite D-shirt along with the gray one that I recently got from the MInnDakotas chapter of JDRF.

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